Detachable Cape
A detachable cape can be worn over a dress occasionally. Women not wanting to wear capes permanently but just for special occasions, having their capes attached to dresses would be required to change. In contrast to the cape dress, where the cape is firmly attached to the dress, a detachable cape can be easily put on when extra modesty is desired.
The concrete style of the cape differs a lot between communities. In general there are few main types described below. Each has a different opening at the neck to get the head through. Beside the styles shown below, there may be any combination of opening and fastening.
Overlapping Front Cape
This traditional cape is a flat piece without any waistband that is wrapped over the shoulders and overlaps at the front. After the two pieces are put over the shoulders, both are pinned to the dress with pins. Usually these are worn with a separate apron as well. Having two separate front pieces also serves as the neck opening.
Apron Cape
Where aprons are worn, they usually already include a cape as an attached top part. The cape can be put on and off together with the apron and is fastened with the apron's belt. Due to the deep neck in the back, there is no separate neck opening needed.
Modern Cape
A modern detachable cape has to be convenient to use. The use of pins or ties for fastening is too inconvenient.
An integrated waist belt and using hidden hooks or push buttons for neck and belt, makes modernized detachable cape easy to use.
It can just be slipped on and fastened with the push buttons in no time.
Instead of a slit and push button at the back neck, it is also possible to have the overlapping front style to be closed with two hidden push buttons.
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