Reasons for Dressing Plain Modest

Having a simpler wardrobe provides many benefits in areas of your life were you would not expect them. The reasons to wear plain modest clothes are highly individual and their benefits have to be discovered by ourselves.

Simple, but well-groomed, clothes often look better dressed and will save money, time and space. We can often get by on much less than we think.

Easy dressing

Even with a closet bulging with clothes, we still complain to have nothing to wear. Browsing through masses of clothing every time to find separates to pair up takes up valuable time and does not provide any real value. By dressing plain, there is no need to have as much clothing. The freed up wardrobe space will be pleasant.

Having too much choice, you're likely to regret yours when it turns out it doesn't fit well for occasions later in the day. Being stuck with the perceived poorly chosen clothes will constantly annoy you throughout the day. A simple wardrobe frees you from wondering if you wore the right thing or wishing you’d worn something different.

Having a much reduced wardrobe with just a few sets of similar looking, plain and simple clothes, the time-consuming search for an outfit is gone. Getting dressed in the morning becomes incredibly easy and you are ready to go in just few seconds.


Clothes are often disposed just because they don't match the latest fashion anymore. With plain modest clothing there is no need to spend attention on how to display wealth or impressing others. Plain modest clothing does not follow the fashion and can be worn way longer.

Less time and money is spent on shopping, because less clothing is needed in general and less frequent. Being focused on plain modest clothing, when shopping for clothes, reduces the agony of choice and the amount of clothes to try on.

Extended lifespan

Plain modest clothing should be made from fabric that is long-lasting, easy to care for, and is easy and inexpensive to make. Only a few sets of clothing, which can be worn year-round, need to be owned. Depending on the wearers lifestyle, plain modest clothing may last 2-6 years, when worn for physical work. Clothes worn for light work, like in an office, can last a decade. For women wearing dresses, it is recommended to also wear an apron, which will extend the lifespan even more.

Cost effective

The simple nature of plain modest clothing makes it easier and more inexpensive to manufacture, maintain and clean. It is more durable and not depending on fashion trends and thus can last a lot longer, reducing the frequency to buy clothes. The muted colors of plain clothes wash out less over time so that they don't require replacement.

Personal effects

Having deliberately chosen to dress plain modest removes the temptation for excess clothing and new fashion. The plain modest mindset makes you being less worried about clothing and feeling more at ease. Just by wearing more modest clothes your behavior is subconsciously influenced. Wearing it will remind yourself to act more mindful and be more deliberate about your decisions.

Environmental effects

A reduced and longer lasting wardrobe requires less resources being consumed. Simple clothing styles allow for easier maintenance and even sewing it yourself.

Interpersonal effects

Every clothing item we wear embodies symbolic meanings and by wearing them we communicating these to others. The clothing of a person always speaks before their words ever do. By wearing particular clothes we are communicating and giving an introduction to who we are and show our values to people around us. This will influence other people and how they perceive and treat us.

If asked, most people choose to not show off with their body but to present dignity. But still, many do the opposite by presenting themselves in revealing or showy clothes. By wearing modest clothes we are promoting a different spirit, to focus on our better qualities.

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